halcyon hollow

Too many interests and not enough time. Back in the woods, on the farm. Homeschooling and reading lots. Back to the basics, but appreciate the best. Fine wine, fine chocolate, fine scotch and fine cigars. Feed the horses and the outdoor furnace. Shoot the meat and can the veggies. Sip the scotch and appreciate the sunset. Read Diana and then read Neal. It just doesn't get any better.

Monday, January 30, 2006

catching up

yes, it's been quite a while. first it was the holidays. thanksgiving was enjoyed with the hubby's sister and brother. this was his sister's first holidays without her husband, so very important to us that we were all together. we all had a wonderful time with lotsa good food and company. the sister and brother got home rather late, though, due to getting lost in the snowstorm. fortunately, all turned out well.
christmas was beyond wonderful with the daughter home from germany, meeting the new boyfriend, and just having a houseful! new year's was even better with more of a houseful due to the arrival of number one son and pseudo daughter in law:) we all went out together new year's eve. i think this was the first time ever and words cannot express what it meant to me. the entire weekend went beyond perfect - even the cut throat taboo game:)
this mini yellow rose was a mother's day gift from #1 son at least several years ago. i've done my best not to kill it and quite amazingly it's still thriving. i just had to document this miracle, since, tho i LOVE plants, i don't quite have the green thumb.
other news, and another reason why this blog is behind, is that my computer died - yes, folks, the blue screen of death was received. this involved a frantic call to the expert #1 son, who confirmed that the OS needed reinstalled, at least. best case, buy a new puter, LOL, don't we wish. reinstallation was successful, obviously. even so, there have been many tears. not because i lost anything of real importance(it was all saved due to many "beatings" of #1 son on saving/documenting important stuff) but tears because, as someone else wrote, the puter is my connection. being here on the farm is peaceful and great, but i do sometimes miss real mental stimulation, as well as the connection to my children. thus far the reinstallation has been a success. i won't go into all the hours downloading and reinstalling lost programs - due to the archaic dial up system with which i am stuck, since i choose to live in the middle of nowhere. (that line is almost a quote:) recognize it????
another bit of fun - #2 son and i have been stuck here inside, together for over a week now. he managed to finally get sick, sicker than he has been in quite some time, bronchitis and sinusitis. so, we are well and goodly sick of each other and bored out of our minds. fortunately, he finally seems to be recovering. doctor has told me people have been sick with this stuff for weeks and weeks, just can't shake it. so, i consider us lucky. even tho, we've missed weeks of karate, school, etc. - and #2 son lamented missing the snowboarding during the last good snow. great update tho - pix of 2nd greenbelt awarded December 12, 2005.


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